Trekking in the Monsoon Season

About Trekking in the Monsoon Season

Monsoon is one of the best times to do adventure trekking as you get to experience the real beauty of nature. But trekking in monsoon can also be physically draining and risky as you might injure yourself while treading through the slippery terrains. So you must follow a few tips and tricks to stay prepared for the worst during this season. Start your trek early in the morning and stay in the wetter areas for a short time. Carry only the necessary things and pack your wet sensitive gear in zip locks or dry bags. It is also important to carry mosquito repellent to protect yourself from insects and bugs.

Clothes for trekking in the rainy season should be comfortable and breathable. Avoid wearing cotton clothes as they are hard to dry, increasing the chances of hyperthermia. You should also wear trekking shoes with a good grip during the monsoon season, as you'll have to walk for long hours in slippery areas. By following these expert tips, you can have a safe and memorable trekking expedition in the monsoon.

What to carry for Trekking in Monsoons?

Use plastic bags for wrapping items

If you're trekking in monsoon, you must use plastic bags for wrapping items like phones, cameras, and watches. Even if you're carrying a waterproof bag, there are chances that moisture can seep in and ruin your electronic items and other valuables. So wrap all the important items in a plastic bag and then put them in your waterproof bag. This way, you can keep your gear and all other important items dry and save them from getting ruined. It will also keep your items from spilling out in case your waterproof bag opens up while traveling. You can also use plastic wrap to compartmentalize your accessories and clothes in your backpack.

Spare Socks and Underwear

You should always carry spare socks and underwear as they can get wet in heavy rain, and if you continue wearing them, you can get hyperthermia. If there are streams or puddles along the trek, your socks can easily become wet, and you must change them to avoid catching coughs and colds. Using wet underwear for a longer duration can lead to fungal infections. So it's important to carry multiple underwear and keep a few of them aside for the return journey. You can even dry them up once you reach the homestay/campsite.

Avoid Cotton Clothing

Another important tip is to avoid wearing cotton clothing while trekking in monsoon as they are hard to dry, and if you wear them wet for a longer time, it can cause hyperthermia. It is best to wear quick-dry Gore-Tex and lightweight clothes for trekking in rainy season. These are ideal clothes for trekking in rainy season as they don't absorb moisture like cotton clothing and take less time to dry. You can also wear nylon clothes if Gore-Tex is expensive for you.

Must Carry Ponchos and Raincoats

Ponchos and raincoats are essential monsoon trekking gears without which you should not travel as mountain weather is unpredictable, and the last thing you would want is to be caught unaware by a storm. In case of rainfall, ponchos and raincoats will keep you dry and warm and will also protect you from the wind. The great thing about rain jackets and ponchos is that they are lightweight and compact enough and won't take up much space in your rucksack. You can also sit on a wet surface wearing a poncho as it covers up to the mid-thigh section.

Carry Mosquito Repellent

In monsoons, the stagnant water in the puddles and streams becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes. You should carry mosquito repellent while trekking in monsoon to repel mosquitos and nasty bugs. These tiny insects can be a huge annoyance during your trekking expedition and can even transmit dangerous diseases like the West Nile virus and malaria, making it important for hikers to take appropriate steps to avoid them. You can carry chemical mosquito repellent and even opt for organic options like cinnamon oil, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or lavender oil.

Carry a portable water filter

Staying hydrated is extremely important while trekking in monsoon at high altitudes. But due to rains, the water streams might get muddled with sludge and dirt, and finding a portable, clean water source might become difficult on the hills. Therefore, carrying a small portable water filter with you in monsoons is important. It will enable you to filter the water, even if it looks clean, so you don't drink contaminated water and fall sick. The best thing is that it is lightweight and easily fits in your backpack, and with it, you'll not have to face the problem of water scarcity.

Use dry bags for electronics

Dry bags come in handy for trekkers during monsoon treks as they can be used to store electronic devices and other valuables. You can keep your cell phone and camera in your dry bag to prevent them from getting wet during rain showers. These bags are also ultralight and can easily slide into your rucksack. They can also be used as a packing organizer to keep things protected and compartmentalized. The best thing is that they are difficult to tear and last for a long time, even in the most adverse conditions.

Camp in the Dry Area

Avoid camping near the banks of rivers and areas prone to flooding, as water may pool during heavy precipitation in these areas leading to hazards. Try to find high ground where water is running off well because it won't get flooded overnight, keeping you safe from any kind of unexpected hazard. You should also pitch your tent in a way that the door is away from the prevailing wind direction. This will ensure that the tent doesn't fill with rain if you climb in and out. If you're camping close to watercourses, you must set up the tent above the high watermark.

Keep Wet items in the Balcony area of the tent

One of the most important things to keep in mind while camping in the monsoon is to keep wet items in the balcony area of the tent. If you bring wet boots or clothes inside the tent, it can cause condensation, and your tent will start getting wet. To reduce the level of moisture inside your tent, you should take all the wet clothes on the balcony and hang them somewhere so that the wind can dry them. You can also store your clothes in dry bags to reduce the moisture level inside the tent.

Use waterproof shoes

Trekking in monsoons can take a toll on your feet and cause fungal infections and allergies due to prolonged exposure to water. Wear waterproof trekking shoes or boots if you're hiking during the rainy season. Waterproof shoes will prevent your feet from getting wet, ensuring all-day-long comfort. The shoes should have a good grip and aid you in walking on slippery surfaces. You should also ensure that the shoes fit you well, or else you will be uncomfortable all day long. If it is raining heavily, you can also wear floaters with good grip, as they take less time to dry.

Best Treks for Trekking in Monsoons

Kashmir Great Lakes Trek

If you have a penchant for the outdoors and want to enjoy the unadulterated sights, Kashmir Great Lakes Trek can be your ideal choice. It is a moderate to difficult trek and turns into a haven during the monsoon with milky icebergs floating on the lakes. As you embark on the trek, you'll be greeted by enchanting seven lakes, alpine meadows, turquoise alpine lakes, spectacular snow-clad mountains, and gorgeous valleys of maples and pine. This trek is located at an altitude of 13,800 ft, and it takes seven days to cover it.

Hampta Pass Trek

Hampta Pass is one of the prettiest crossover treks you can tread during monsoon as it gets carpeted with fields of beautiful oak, pine, and rhododendron during this season. The best thing about this trek is that it offers 180 degree views of the PirPanjal range, Lahaul-Spiti valleys, and Indrasena peak. This is a moderate difficulty level trek, and it takes six to seven days to cover this trek.

Valley of Flowers Trek

Valley of Flowers is one of the most popular monsoon treks in Uttarakhand, Himalayas. During monsoon, the valley breaks into a riot of colors due to the blossoming of lush green trees and flowers. It is an easy one-day trek where you can spot various animals like Musk Deer, Blue Sheep, Red Fox, and Brown Bear. If you trek a bit higher in the Himalayas of the Garhwal region, you can visit the holy place, Hemkund Sahib. The valley is filled with leeches during monsoon, so you must carry Dettol, lemon, and salt to get rid of them.

Beas Kund Trek

Beas Kund Trek is an easy to moderate difficulty-level trek that turns into a nature wonderland during monsoon. It offers base-to-summit views of Friendship Peak, Ladakhi, Shitidhar, and Hanuman Tibba. The trek starts from Manali and takes you through grassland, dense forests, and meadows. During the trek, you also get a chance to catch glimpses of the beautiful Beas river, located in between the snow-capped mountain peaks of Pir Panjal.

Pin Parvati Trek

Pin Parvati is a high-altitude crossover trek situated at an elevation of 17400 ft. The trek starts from Kullu and ends in Manali and can be covered in eleven days. It has a mixture of steep slopes, barren mountains, beautiful passes, and snow-capped peaks. The whole trek takes you through lush green vegetation, gurgling streams, and beautiful meadows. The trek starts from Manali and encompasses Manikaran, Tunda Bhuj, Barsheni, Thakur Kuan, Mantalai, Odi Thach, etc.

Prashar Lake Trek

If you want to embrace the best that nature has to offer, you must trek through Prashar Lake during the monsoon. It is situated at an altitude of 8960 feet and is perfect for beginners. The trek is nestled in the valley of the Dhauladhar range and takes you through lush green forests, and offers views of rugged mountains. On the banks of the lake, you can see the pagoda-styled Rishi Parashar Temple.


So quench your thirst for thrill and admire the beauty of nature by treading through these beautiful treks in monsoon. You can also follow our expert tips to stay safe during your trekking expedition. Before going for a trek, make a checklist of all the important items you need to carry in your backpack. Carry waterproof jackets, a first aid kit, a torch, light snacks, and a filter bottle. Clothes for trekking in rainy season should be light, and you should also invest in a good pair of shoes that can offer excellent traction on muddy surfaces. Before you embark on these treks, find out about their difficulty level and make all the necessary preparations beforehand. While monsoon is the best time to bring out your trekking gear, heavy downpours can make the trekking paths murky and difficult to climb. So follow the monsoon safety tips to have a once-in-a-lifetime trekking experience and avoid any injuries during your trip!


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